Questions for the people who say this game is p2w
Stardew Valley Mega Modded Playthrough. Which mods work, and which don't?
(MHFU) The first minute of every hunt
Lesser Known Mod Recommendations
Economy mods?
Building blocks
(MHFU) The first couple minutes of every hunt
13th time hunting a Kut Ku in MHFU:
Early MV base show off
Double Poggers
How do I start the Iceborne DLC in World?
Lethal Company can create some beautiful moments
Modlist with best graphical improvements and combat/gameplay?
Arcane season 2 / Arc 1 / Live Discussion
Is coordinator down?
Is server down for everyone right now?
Coordinator down again? Act IV coming? Right?
Coordinator down!
What do you think about Sony right now?
I have Ubisoft plus but one of the games on it (far cry 6) is not letting me download
Fuck ALS!
How did ALS start for you
According to, NA had less ranked games played than EUNE.
Joined the Legion family
The classic 'One more try before I quit trying' victory