Respectfully, this is not helpful 😭
[CHAT] Lighting?
Finishing Series on Illumicrate?
Reporting to a DMV to drive?
what phrases have leaked out into your daily speech
Opinions on black loafers and white socks on a man?
Opinions on black loafers and white socks?
How are people 21-24 affording rent, luxury items and so many vacations?
Using knit wool socks for hiking?
What is the best College in Minnesota?
If consciousness ends at the moment of death, do you know you’ve died?
Idiot in Minneapolis shoots his gun in the air
i think i got this right (just chose black cat)
Reading Before Watching TV Show
[Image] PhD
I think this a good welcome to my island, don't you think?
Furniture disappearing since updated game.
My poor toddler and her bald spot
Remember when all we needed was 30 iron for the shop
Finally got the courage to read Assassin's Blade
I was so happy to find this sub, and now I have my 100 day streak badge! I'm at the point where this will most likely be my way of eating for the rest of my life, it just works so well and I love my results
Scale recommendations. My old Taylor scale is on the fritz...
In need for a good scale