I wish I listened to you guys
Tapering off vs cold turkey, what do yall think is best?
H withdrawal???
Going on holiday next month on the 8th need detox advice?!!!
i just took 90mg of dihydrocodine at 14
What should I do? Need help
Why can I decrypt but not signrd..
Marketplace Monday - Discussion
When do gains on test peak
First test only cycle
Arcetype down ?
I might done fuck up
I’m 19 first cycle
Ok so I found the ‘thing’
Help ? DHC question
First time opioid user
How to sober up quick
What's some stupid shit you did after taking Xanax and blacking out?
What’s more hair safe?
LGD + enclo or test at 18 ?
How hair loss?
appetite issues
Why wait?
First sarm cycle question