Teachers, how do you actually recharge over spring break?
Elon Musk Retweet: "Hitler Didn't Murder Millions of People... Public Sector Workers Did"
Not gonna lie these bagels are pretty good
Can you temporarily leave teaching?
Cried in front of class today
Ruined a Special Education Teachers Spring Break
Would you pay $700 for this?
Teachers that do schoolwork on the weekends/break (like me), why do you do it?
Cert subject with BS in communications?
Realistically how likely am I to get hired as a teacher in Texas with only a degree in Elementary Education?
In which ways are you exactly the same as your 13 year old self?
My first awful day
What is the hardest truth a student has shared with you?
Any teachers here having a side hustle making good money ?
Better late than never
Women who make over 60k, what is your degree and what is your job title?
How do you deal with academic stress?
Would you take it?
Am I an oversupporter of us ? Whoopi Goldberg has been featured on most of the worst dressed lists from the 2025 oscars red carpet and I don't get it. This is so her and she did it well. What do you guys think of her look ?
How do y’all initiate sex with your partners?
Teacher to instructional designer
What’s the Hardest Part of Teaching That No One Talks About?
Elon Musk walked off the stage and left his son behind
Out of the 40 flavors what are your least favorite?