Lying about being transgender for the benefits is wrong
Plan for transgenders
Trans seperation orders havent hit bliss
Amazon driver is fed up
To have your mail delivered in peace
Azealia talks jk Rowling
He deadlifted me to bed djajhdajdjsjd
Anymore information on this?
Woman yanks bag of toys away from kid
This is just sick
Stepdad has had enough of his family
I’ll pop you, I’ll pop you, I’ll pop you, I’ll pop you
Trans service members to be separated from military; unless waiver approved.
this is uncanny, I’m scared
LGBQIA+ without the T?
Tulsi just fired every intelligence employee that participated in that creepy NSA group chat. Over 100 people. She also speaks on CIA agents who are allegedly threatening to sell state secrets to enemies.
Are we equal to demons
Saw this at my local grocery store
Routine police stop goes bad when the woman is combative
A new Waffle House brawl just dropped.
Why Demonolatry over God?
As Told by Ginger (2000-2006)
Slow Tuesday
New Tweet
The most adorable plumber ✿