I don't recall caring about such "audio exposure"
I have no idea where I found this, I've had it for years.
He’s not wrong
I dare you >:3
Who was "the weird kid" at your school and what did they do?
Since it comes out in a month, are you actually excited
What was everyone’s “grail” they never had?
It's weird that in 6x16 Rick had a dark brown beard while in 7x01 he has a gray beard. :D :D
Vanished into thin air
Lotion where?
Bro what happened to whisper elf?
Valve has silently added a "same household" requirement to the new Steam Families
A place that takes 8 days to get there
Your Favorite Quotes/Lines ?
Which one was the hardest for y'all?
Guess my favorite song (impossible)
Judge my top 10‼️‼️‼️
How Respawn expects us to react to Titanfall References in Apex
What fictional characters do you think Cyn will be able to defeat?
Which Skylanders do you think deserved an Eon Elite version?
what is that thing on his head?
I keep seeing this same meme everywhere so ima jusr make my own LOL-
Repainted my Slam-Bam figure because the original looked ugly.
Which seat did u choose?