What's the best writing tip you've ever recieved?
how old are the writers on here?
I felt attacked
Looking to expand a preexisting writing group!
Put your big three and let others comment your match!
Looking to add more members to our writing group!
People who are Religious turned Atheist, do you fear death more?
Gimme the horniest & sluttiest of music you have
A friend of mine found this and I had to laugh
I. Hate. This. Disorder.
I need CHAOS
I self-published a collection of erotica on Amazon. Thoughts on the front cover?
[iil] Looking for more songs like Hayloft 2 by Mother Mother
ISO Small Group! 18+
Writing On Phones 📱
Which Music do you listen when you are writing?
I’m horrible at naming my work
What’s your Strongest and Weakest type of scene to write, and why?
Give me your most unhinged and out-of-context lines in your book
Should I delete character's thoughts
Needing a name for my dark romance
Introduce yourself!
Weekly Self-Promotion! Advertising on the more down-low.
What's a compliment or an insult about you that you can never forget?
If you were a flavor ice cream, what flavor would you be?