Watch a primitive tribe's humorous reaction to eating ice for the first time.
Only THREE Waterbending Nations?
New Poster for 'F1' Starring Brad Pitt
It is insane to me that THIS was at one time the lineup for a main X-men title
What are your thoughts on the live action remake of Beauty and the Beast?
Are there any shows similar to this?
In movies and tv, a character never decides to terminate a pregnancy. I hate it.
Which actors do you consider “Red Flags” for a movie, whose inclusion is enough for you to avoid watching something?
Who’s your favorite female character from the Teen Titans?
Since it has almost been a year after Tia Kofi's win - how do you view it now? Was such ending satisfying for you?
James Gunn Confirms: ‘Starfire’ Not a Part of the DCU
Kinda funny these shows are hated for the 2 opposite reasons ones too “comedic” and ones too “serious”
Why do men hate Zendaya so much?
Adrien Brody and gum
Actors Who Were Almost In The Films. Which Of These Castings Do You Like/Dislike?
In College to become a PE teacher. I read this subreddit all the time, it’s always negative. Is it even worth becoming a teacher?
The last minute of this song always gives me chills, it made me cry as a kid just from the emotional power.
Shang wins Universally Beloved! Which Disney Princess’s Love Interest is Mostly Well-Liked?
Considering becoming a history teacher
What If The Native Americans Had Prevented European Colonization?
Batman at Titans Tower (by Jessica Godke 2007)
Who is your favourite lesser known president?
tv shows you feel like no one watched but you 📺😔
Does anyone not shave ?
Guess the plot from the image