He’s in my home…
Who is more evil?
Some people glazing hard
How have we not gotten a voodoo killer yet?
Who is yours?
What duo is this?
What’s the best and worst ink demon design for you?
If These Guys Fought, Who Would Die First? And Who Would Win?
Who agrees that it would have been cooler if the ink demon actually walked around the studio instead of being a random annoyance in BATDR?
i made more cool ahh shots, which one is the best?
What would you remove from TMNT 2012?
It's a horror franchise, believe it or not...
So Ken Kaneki, is now the least evil Liscensed killer right?
Do matches just keep going on until I die? (Giant)
25 Hours flight, where are you sitting?
considering the FNAF chapter is coming relatively soon I thought I should ask, what do you think will be the next 'FNAF chapter'? (something both very requested but also a lot of people wouldn't want to happen)
They both are equally evil, I dont get it
What’s one GOOD thing you can say about A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) ?
Do yall Think Logan is a terrible person
This man slaps your girl’s ass, wyd?
So guys, who do we think it’ll be?
What horror game franchises could crossover with dbd?
Do we know when the March killer will be announced?
You're Trapped in Prison,The Last Character You Played Has to Rescue You. How Screwed Are You?
So... Why exactly did the Lost Ones listen to the Ink Demon here? Don't they hate him?