Fun Fact: Wes has always dressed hood rich his entire life. Here's him and the boys in 2008 at a DAGO bar. Unbuttoned tacky shirt, ugly watch and, antenna flip phone on his right hand.
I guess you learn by making mistakes.
He is so self conscious he is bald
🗣️I’m FAMOUS “5’8” PEGGY WATSON must be BALLN’ outta control to SPEND his entire Sunday OBSESSING about GROWN MEN he DOESN’T KNOW, their PUBIC HAIR & MANSCAPING ROUTINE…the CONTENT QUEEN is obviously BROKE and has NO NEW BUSINESS COMING IN‼️ 🤣🤣
Look! They are cyber bullying us again😢😢😢
Made the grave mistake of fake signing up for his steal of a deal 50k/month mentoring program….now he won’t stop spamming me 🤦♂️
Wes is using this child as a prop like his cars.
Wes gone back to using Facebook and runing ads now. The desperation is slowly creeping in...
Wessica has an announcement: they’re gonna put more ink on Their head.
don't pay people on here to make ai agents, simply make them yourself
These dudes calling Wes the general 🪖😂😂😂
Wes put Angie in the Gabi fit aww he misses Gabi
How long till Wes Watson's women leaves him???
How does Facebook not filter Scammers?
Textured Double-Knit Cotton Joggers ~ Mens
I don’t know if I want to know
You can’t make this shit up
So is this why she's back with Wes?
How does he actually afford his lifestyle?
Who bodied who?
It’s a cycle! 🔁
It appears Wes is checking out the local jails to see where he will be spending the next few years. It appears someone took a picture from the yard. "Nice car bro!" "I'm Wes Watson, EvErYbOdY kNoWs WhO I aM!!"
Guy throws "love" 'round like a penny on the street. Obviously this guy doesn't even know what love is. Got a fucking crackhead dad and a boozer mom. No one probably gave him a shit about him ever. Too bad he didn't really do any self-improvement AT ALL. LOSER!!
Sebastian Maniscalco wants his face back. The FUCK??!