Show me the very last SCREENSHOT you took in-game! No cheating!
What is your favorite Fusion Gem between original 4's combinations?
I’m freaking out right now!!!!
Who would you sit with in a plane during a 12-hour flight? Also, that plane has a 50% chance of crashing...
A Decade later, Do you think “Eye Candy” was or now can be considered “Ahead of Its Time”?
Who Are Your Top 2 LI’s ??
everyone drop your hunter headshots RIGHT NEOWWWW! 🗣️
Favorite line delivery from the show?
everyone share your mc
Marshall and Lily’s Fight S9
Amy Manson Appreciation Post
Who’s gonna tell dylan there’s actually a new fallen series?
Most underrated character in your opinion? I’ll go first
Which Character would you take as your best friend?
I drew this doodle during work. Any guesses who it is?
I’ll never forgive Disney for wasting such potential…
Which Episode would you watch?
What gem do you still want to see more from?
Unpopular opinions of characters. Today: Blue Diamond
Rename your favorite *episode* to a clickbait youtube title
Tell me your favorite character and it can be a fusion
You’re a Mutant about to attend Xavier’s School. Comment below and I’ll give you a power and or other mutant gene.
Discussion time!
Which table would you sit at?
Jack says he's played Elden Ring 16 times. What game have you played that much?