Husband made bath time worse
This one is for the dads-Why does it take you so long to take a poop
First time mom. Silver nursing cups now or wait to see
This is isolating
Stomach sleeping?
fast let down questions
Leaking at night
Wow I see now why you guys bedshare
The *other* newborn scrunch
Sound machines… yay nay?
Dairy free snacks??
Do you blowdry your hair around your baby? Is this safe for their ears?
Postpartum body and photos
How can I become an oversupplier/make more milk again?
What is something you were foolishly ignorant about before being pregnant/having a baby?
How bad are scented diapers for our babies?
Unpopular opinion- Screen time is OKAY!
When did you let someone watch your baby?
Moms who thought you would have PPD , did you?
How long did you push?
Always check labels
So fed up
Which forms of dairy are easiest to digest?
Bad diaper rash