This is my Fleet, there are many like it but this one is mine
How I picture Karl vs what he probably looks like
Made my first Space Marines, I give you Chapter Master of the Void Sharks
I just started playing and I already am fighting a Xeno invasion, FOR THE GOD EMPEROR
Today we celebrated St Karl’s Day, to Karl and Digging a Hole
So apparently meteor showers can happen
Goal to turn entire island into one base
Ever have those days where every match you join and step out the pod to meet your death
Just received my 1st living ship, to who ever gifted me all those eggs THANK YOU
How I felt when I first played vs how I feel after my 1st promotion
Looking for good or lengthy Tanya fanfics
Expedition rendezvous 4 problem, I’m at the building and taking photos but it’s not completed
Why is Femshep looking like that? Wrong answers only
Art from a Tanya Fic I'm Reading!
Would you shit in this toilet for 1 million dollars? 🎅🏻🎅🏻🦀
DRG: Had a mission that felt straight out of Deadpool
Give me your favorite anime, and I'll try to rate them out of 10.
I can’t access the log of the sunken ship
sunken freighter spot in expedition 17 for anyone that needs
These are my mods rn! Any recommendations?
Give me swordsman (or woman) who can beat Dracule Mihawk
What's the Titan Expedition rendezvous 2 systems name?
When I drop in as the other team is getting ready to exfil….KARL IS WITH ME
After all these years, it amazes me how much we players have yet to discover
How do you get more blue prints besides the one offered