What’s your least MBTI you get along with
What is your favourite colour, INFPs?
I think I am a mistype INTJ.
what did yall get?
How do mistype ENTJs typically behave or act?
Have you been called a sociopath?
How can I, INFP, be more personable and friendly?
As an INxJ, I really appreciate y'all.
What is your opinion about ENTJs?
Why does society hate ENFP's?
We procrastinate whenever we are overwhelmed by our internal thoughts.
Sometimes... I feel like I am an INFP or an INFJ
Fe-Ti is frequently better to use than Fi-Te because Fi users are not subjective in nature
Why do IxFPs and IxTJs seem to get annoyed easily when we try to open them up?
If you ever find yourself lost in your own thoughts. I am always here for you (not related to mbti)
Which mbti don't want to be seen as weak or emotional by others?
Classing Myself
Which mbti is most likely to rebel against social injustice even if their family did the same, and they despite it?
What's your MBTI and what are your top 3 most frequently used emojis?
How can someone start their own cult if he/she is unpopular?
type me ^w^
Confused about sakinorva domain test result (with 256 questions one)
Can anyone tell me what this test result means?