Sygeplejersken Lillyeana Alarié er blevet dømt skyldig i stort set alle anklager mod sig og idømt 8 måneders fængsel i sag om afpresning af politiker
Kherson, russia drops drones on children playing outside
French MP wants the US to give the statue of Liberty back to France
Trump is off to Mar-a-Lago again
I walked out of the bathroom
I existed
Alfred getting his daily dose of stremtch
Just an old guy having a public 'dude' moment of realization and new found acceptance.
The Bagworm Moth Caterpillar collects and cuts small sticks, using silk to build intricate, log cabin-like structures that serve as protective mobile homes.
USA beder Danmark om æg
Memorandum from Dr. Steven Greer to President Trump dated February 9, 2025.
Footage of a Ukrainian "Liutyi" long-range UAV hitting an oil pumping facility in the Saratov region of Russia.
Radioavisen oplevede et nedbrud op til udsendelse - sådan reagerede de forskellige kanaler
This döner-thieving asshole isn’t even sorry
Her brother tooted 💨✈️
Little single shot I made.
Max the Cat and Protector
She was not impressed by my leaf offering ✈️
Alt falder og det er meningen
Ukrainian kids accepted Trump's rare earth metals deal
Sodium persulfate results ( don’t mind the dogs)
Hvad mangler der i mit nødberedskab?
Told him he can't eat my embroidery needles
What keeps moving my camera?
This is the of video