Any advice for this list?
Is there any downside to playing a stormreach portal?
I've begun my aos journey
Swarm lord vs Norn Emissary
Looking for a cheap airbrush to start with
List building/Tips vs. Astra Militarum?
List choice for upcoming tournament?
Difference Between Carnifex Brood and Screamer-Killer?
What’s the best thousand point army I can make
Synaptic Nexus List for UKTC
New Tyranid owner
Tyrant Guard any good this edition?
Vanguard 2000pt List Critique
Airbrush cleaning
Tyranid list against orks?
New 500 point nid lists
Anyone have a good reminder to do stuff cheat sheet?
Dissassembling to Magnetize
It makes me laugh and cry reading their thoughts on the changes about CS specifically
Updates vs Index cards
Unseen Lurkers
Dataslate is up, massive changes yo tyranids
Rampager list..