[Discussion] Can we please get SOMETHING!? 😭
Top 20 X-Men stories: Day 16
A Sunday Shelfie
Top 20 X-Men stories: Day 14
Why is Immortal Hulk so well regarded?
New Batman Omni’s
Flash by Williamson Omnibus Vol. 2 announced
Top 20 X-Men stories: Day 13
In your opinion what is the problem with modern Batman?
It's kinda insane we still haven't got an Old Man Logan omnibus
Is there any point to reading Batman: Eternal and Batman & Robin: Eternal now?
Unpopular Opinion: I DISPISE Tom King
What’s cooking in Marvel right now?
Top 20 X-Men stories: Day 12
Is this one worth getting?
Spurrier Run
Top 20 X-Men stories: Day 11
Let’s be honest mcu fans are so close to becoming star wars fans
The next DC wave has arrived!!
Tim Seeley shared a new look at the Nightwing: Rebirth Omnibus
[US - FL][H] DC/Marvel Omnis & TPBs/ HCs [W] PayPal
Top 20 X-Men stories: Day 10
what’s your opinion on batman hush comic