Why do some men act like they like oral when they don’t?
What is the worst thing a woman has done to you
My boyfriend 20M doesn’t want me 19F to go out with friends
'34M' '37F' Advice on what I should do? Gay but married.
I think she doesn't want me
Why are men usually quiet in the bedroom??
To the men, do we like sexting?
Am I the only 1 who does this?
How do I (F22) enjoy sex with other people when my ex (M22) was so much better?
My bf (22M) seems to only have trouble having sex with me (21F)
How many women have messaged you first on Reddit?
Would you want a girl to text you about her sexual fantasies about you or would she come across desperate?
My bf (25m) says I'm (24f) "unhealthy" becauseI have a lower libido than him.
Girlfriend (21F) never wants to pleasure me (20M)
Need some opinion honestly, it’s not exactly my story to tell but would you still be with someone who cheated on you with your friend? 26F cheated on her long term relationship with 27M guy
My boyfriend(30M) of over three years never wants to spend time with me(32F). Can you give me advice?
Do you think men have a harder time separating love from lust?
what do men in love see when they look at their girlfriends?
How would I [f22] know if my partner [m21] is genuine about the relationship?
Is it normal to not want to talk to women unless I'm interested in sex?
My mind is racing 1000mph and I can't stop it!
I feel like being ugly is the only thing that’ll guarantee you being single forever
is it enough to cook my boyfriends favorite meal in a thong for his bday present?
Have you ever gotten more obsessive or possessive over a girl after you had sex with her?
I (F24) woke up to my boyfriend (M26) pleasing himself with my hand. What’s the right way to bring this up?