Saw this at uni today
Spiderman is the second most picked DPS, fifth most banned character overall and he's hovering around an almost 50% WR and this community will tell you that he's too difficult and weak
Franse boeken
Waarom zeggen we in Nederland Coleslaw?
This is my first hero shooter, after 27hours I finally did it. Lord Venom!
This game really doesn't reward tank players
I would be amazed if you get this correctly
What's a hero that's great, but doesn't need to be nerfed?
Bitcoin community Groningen
I am level 1 and I somehow got near 2k 🔥
Who is the least common character to see on the MVP screen?
Men of Reddit. What is your craziest experience (so much that people refuse to believe that it actually happened) ?
Twijfel over inschrijving huurwoning Groningen
Why does everyone say they’re in grandmaster
Why do banks in the US charge so much for transfers when in UK and Europe they manage to do it for free?
Any girls here??
The leopard print
It's finally done.
Wat een leuke opdracht!
Hi JJ, I’m a up and coming barber & I wanted to give a suggestion on getting a Mini Fro + Low taper. Excuse my shitty photoshop skills but just wanted to give an idea on how it would look
Wat is het beste vleesrestaurant in Groningen?
Scared of carbs
Did my Gf spot a real [Ferrari F40] in Germany?