I feel like a failure
Could green clouds exist?
Name this country. The top-voted comment wins this round.
Day 1 of trying to get a comment from each European subdivision
Imagine you kidnapped someone who hid 3 nuclear bombs in London, Paris and Berlin and he will detonate them in 4 hours. Would you torture (or use other methods) to get him to tell where the bombs are?
Pissing in the shower is completely acceptable.
Where can I sell my guppies
Are there enough hiding spaces for my guppy fry?
I don’t get how people support illegal immigration
Not mine but these guys are funny
Is there a subreddit for philosophical discussions?
Objective morality doesn't exist
Sushi absolutely sucks.
My secret for being a grandmaster
Dublin wins green! What city is Blue?
What's the title for this video?
Bringing my comically large scizzors to school tomorrow (banana for scale)
yo guys im being born tomorrow, any tips on how to be a baby?
Make Simdem Great AGAIN!!!!
Is this small enough to stop my dwarf crawfish to stop escaping?
What to do with these dwarf crayfish
Just gonna leave this here
"feels like it fits perfectly here."
The Middle kingdom