If I can't escape your fragrance, you are crossing a line
Your biggest newbie mistake?
What is something you secretly judge people for?
How Did I Not Get a Headshot on Clove?
The best possible team
People say it’s overused, I say it smells amazing
Lets say there was an agent who could steal abilities with their ult...
What does creeds green Irish tweed scent remind you of?
Who would be the most overpowered agent if their signature ability had 3 charges?
What’s everyone’s favorite summer fragrance of all time?
What's your mouse grip and rank?
Solo Queue is Insufferable as a Girl
what is the best vandal skin in the game right now?
Why is it hard to get out of low elo.
Having a bad performing player every game
Is my sens too high.
Ranked is busted?
The world is stressful, therefore I ordered perfume samples.
Most Popular Perfumes by Region: What Scent Dominates Your City?
Fragrances that make your head turn
Balanced life style will make you rank up
Best path for my little brother to go pro?
Deathmatch Grind: Did it ACTUALLY help you rank up?
How good is Valorant from a solo perspective?
Wrist aimer but I play low sens.