I've reached Umbara in my clone wars rewatch and am strongly resisting the urge to lunge at my TV when this fucker showed up
Years of character development undone in a single line
What do you think you dumbest decision in ninjago was?
I've had it with these mf'ing jedi in this mf'ing Republic [she even turned to Sam L. Jackson]
Characters who are exactly who you think they are, but for various reasons aren’t referred to as the name everyone knows them as
Which one would you agree with the most?
Had a dream that the Third Doctor was in Breaking Bad, and this is the only thing I can still remember about it
Characters who are un-ambiguously antagonistic yet are understood to be good-natured at heart. In another life, they could have been heroes.
[hated trope] When Fascism is parodied too well and people unironically admire them
Simpsons did it!
When the former protag is still stronger than everyone
Bad victim characters. AKA: "Sure, they're tragic, but nothing can excuse their actions." [Bonus points if they just repeat the abuse that they were victims of]
Any idea what tk do with this space?
Characters who are repeatedly defeated and repaired, becoming increasingly scarred as the series goes on
Who would you choose to take out on a date? Choose one.
Favorite character whose death you still arent over?
Favorite Character that gets treated like this?
real talk: What is Shadow's TRUE main theme?
Just because you're "The Resistance" doesn't mean your the "Good Guy"
I ask you the age-old question: what do YOU think would’ve happened if Doctor Who wasn’t cancelled in 1989?
Favorite character that is on the evil side but is not evil?
Where is padme is she save?
"A-Are you sure he's the good guy ?"
What favorite character has you in this situation
What anime would've been a 10/10 if not for one thing?