Heather wins for Morally Grey/Opinions are Divided! Which ROL contestant do you think is a horrible person but opinions about them are divided?
Do Y’all Agree That I Love Money 3 Would of been the best Season of I Love Money ?
Can you remember/find early-mid 00s websites now defunct?
The 2020s Started in 2016 Theory
Does it feel strange to you that high school seniors today were born in 2007?
What’s a moment in history that proves humans never really learn from their mistakes?
What celebrity conspiracy seems totally plausible?
[Weekend Trivia] Is this episode of Beauty and the Geek from 2005 more Classic 2000s or Modern 2000s?
Megan wins for Horrible Person/Opinions are Divided! Who do you think is a good person but hated by fans?
Is 2012 Gen Z or Gen Alpha?
Do you guys consider 2014 to be culturally early 2010s or mid 2010s
[Weekend Trivia] Michael Learns To Rock - Take Me To Your Heart (2004): More like 2001 or 2007?
Six Degrees of Separation: Kpop Edition!
[Weekend Trivia] Buckwheat Boyz - Peanut Butter Jelly Time (2002): More Y2K or 2K1?
Day 5, best K-pop song for guitar???
Biggest Chokes?
Victor Jih (S14) cameos in Mike White's "Enlightened" starring Laura Dern (2012)
Songs that sound like disbandment songs?
MLK’s wife, Coretta Scott, could have listened to deathcore band Job For A Cowboy’s debut EP “Doom”
[1/2] Class of 2020 is more similar to…
does anyone kind of hate generation titles
[Hobby Scuffles] Week of 10 March 2025
What's your prediction regarding comeback of 2010s trend?
Whos the most famous person you've ever met?