Anyone else's parents actually discourage them from studying?
The Women of Hetalia (sorry for the bad image quality)
How to get rid of brain fog?
From an otome game
Let me guess your OCS age!
What's a dream that left you questioning reality after you woke up?
Is your OC considered attractive (in their world & in ours)?
Yeah your designs cool and all, but WHY do they look like that? (aka pretty pretty please share your oc's design notes)
How to memorise without re-copying notes?
How can I make him look less like a vampire?
How old(age of creation)is your main oc?
Breakfast recipes?
Chef’s salad!
Everything seems pointless
Coffee with sugar?
How can I make him look more sick and less like a vampire?
Show me a design detail you want people to notice about your oc.
Are there any websites for making character avatars?
What do you think of my oc's glow up?
What's the one way you won the Weight Loss Lottery?
Starting with short sharp shock/ fast 800 type plan when you have a lot to lose? Can you then eat more and continue losing?
5’6 women, what is your goal weight?
Names that mean bad luck or curse?
AIO? Friend chased down opossum to kill it
Any idea of how to get rid of those dots on my nose and face?