Do X-rays techs deal with vomit or poop?
Thinking about quitting
Career Change/Advice
What careers pay over $60+/hr and don’t require a degree?
Career after flying
Why is it that the older I get, the more I don’t like people?
Anyone here an oncology data specialist or know someone who is?
Is it a good idea to go into the aviation industry right now
Why do you think it's hard for people to find their ideal career path nowadays?
Is the pay & lifestyle worth it?
Will being a Rad Tech ki|l my soul?
Would becoming a flight attendant be worth it?
Is 30 too old and late to be a digital nomad?
Anyone else still live with their parents?
Sales rep career?
It feels like it's harder for women to age in the modern world
What are the jobs that require a lot of travel?
living alone is not possible in this economy.
I was skinny until I hit 25. Is that most people?
Radiology techs, how do you like your job? How is the stability and pay?
If you get a job as a flight attendant but tell them before you start working that you need certain upcoming days off, will they let you off?
Am I wasting my life if I’m going to school for something I’m not passionate about?
How come trying to become a flight attendant is so hard?
All in into nursing and now regretting it? Is it too late to change my career?
Want to become xray tech, already have a bachelors