9 More Days Till My Beautiful Northwestern
Second Year in T10, AMA
any law&gov / int'l relations / creative writing people?
All these rejections are making me nervous
What's up with Purdue?
Is there any WhatsApp Group for NEU Oakland Admits ?
Next week admission dates?
I'm getting into Case Western
6 rejections this week
Case Western RD Confirmed
am i the only one that thinks some people take this whole thing too seriously?
purdue decisions
Case out tomo at 3pm et time
purdue rd waves
if you could get in to any college in the world, with full ride, what would it be and why?
I think I accidentally raped my gf???
Which college has the worst rejection letter?
I told my Duke interviewer this....
Your Daily Dose of A2C
Which top colleges (generally) come out before ivy day?
Out of all your Regular Decision universities, Which one do you want the most and which the least?
No Harvard interview, am i auto accepted?
When are ur first Regular decisions coming out?