Type “I’m your” and let autocomplete finish it
Real Social Democracy comes back from the dead
What’s your favorite level (based on deco)
Nuh uh dont think of liying
Which mod was like this for you?
What is this?
foreign education advice
help me
what did yall get?
Tell me your favorite level (main)
Whether God Exists or Not, It Doesn’t Make Any Difference
It Got Worse: The Confederacy looses for good
Type “help i accidentally” and let your keyboard do the rest
The black wave: syndicalist/ancom dominated Europe
Who is your Slave now?
Please 🙏
Type “I am” and let your autocorrect finish it
type “i did your____.” and let autocomplete finish the sentence
Type "If this world were mine" and let your keyboard do the rest
What if the Moros got what they’ve wanted? / Bangsamoro
The Organisation of African States in a world where Africa ended up ruled by a series of pro-western presidents, both dictatorial and democratic
Type any H with your eyes closed
Bones And Armour: Episode 1 Conquest
Anatolia Arab Republic
WORKERS AND EMPERORS - A Kaiserreich-Fallout Fusion