Did anyone else find Silver rather terrifying in this scene?
Why do so many gamers hate Debra Wilson?
Why do everyone dislike Samantha
each of the character’s main themes/motifs?
Karate Kid: Legends' possible runtime?
Transphobia in one of the dub versions of the series (not Netflix)
Season 4 soundtrack identification
If Jackie Chan is a part of the New Karate Kid movie, does this is a part of the Miyagi-verse?
Who is miguels grandfather we never seen him
Saw this theory on russian on Tiktok and I really want to share it. Shout-out to vicharlotteduerre
You guys need a therapy
Karate kid legends will be more popular than cobra kai if it's good
"Ding ding!" Or short story about how Jackie Chan encourages "Karate Kid: Legends" crew.
Does anyone else finds the way Silver pronouncing "Sekai Taikai" annoying?😅
New update?
Why does Samantha larusso endure so much criticism
The Movie Comes Out in Two Years... AND THEY SHOW US A TRAILER NOW !!!!
People are shipping Johnny and Daniel?
WTF!? Why do they look like that? Now it’s ruined. Unless they get the Sonic treatment.
Karate Kid:Legends Instagram account followed Xolo. Has it always been the case?
Wait what how is this possible
So I guess everyone literally just didn't notice that their official YouTube channel uploaded this?
Funny BTS photo for the part 3
Who was made to be hated???