French invent computergame to better deal with yearly Dutch invasion. Another French win I guess.
How do you get a cats attention?
How much based is your country?
Hans vs Pierre
Oof... 🇨🇵🇺🇸
Average Austrian experience
Where was I in Aug 2024
Never had anything but love and respect for the French
[ Removed by Reddit ]
How many upvotes for our Lord and Saviour, God-Emperor Charles de Gaulle?
Which Barry are you?
Barry has invented a new sport, how long until he loses at it to foreigners?
👋 britoids 👋Good game
This public playground in Germany showing peak German happiness
This public playground in Germany
That's why I love France even more than my country now. Sorry guys, I was just a dumb dumb Italian: forgive me, I beg you.
The "I don't care what the French think" could be the default flair here (and elsewhere)
Memories 😭
Good news, more Champagne for us!
Gott sei Dank haben wir kein S-link
Pierre, think you might have mixed something up…
Pierre rears his ugly head - and I'm all for it. Truly strange times.
Average Finnish / Danish linguistic exchange
Never change Sven
Things are getting desperate in Birmingham
how did they do it