Which game/tv show/movie was the biggest let down compared to it's first trailer?
Please give me movie suggestions to ease anxiety
What movies have the most exciting first 30 minutes?
First movie you think of when you see Robin Williams
What kind of feelings does this evoke?
What Yakuza soundtrack do you play?
Wife (f30) shows up late to home, and I (m33) am upset by it. AITA
Too those that has or know kids that have watched the movie: how did they feel about it?
Favorite movie crashouts?
What's the oldest movie you have ever seen, mine is "12 angery men (1957).
Which actors/actresses have fame that far outweighs their talent?
What's objectively your worst movie opinion? (Doesn't have to be a review)
Cobra Kai Screencast
Blessing really needs to call ahead to that Portillo's, like tomorrow
This is not just an issue with the games, but I absolutely hate that Miles doesn’t have his own hero name and goes by Spider-man too
What movies should I add?
what movies have you rated 1/2 star?
Guess my No. 1
If these three perfomances have been nominated in the same year, who do you think would have won the oscar?
What’s everyone’s ‘cozy show’ here?
Who has the better taste, my girlfriend (1) or me (2)?
some (worse) alternatives for your favorite games
Pick your Top 4 from this.
There is no way that the Super Saiyan transformation doesn't make them poop just a little.
Let’s Make a smash game! Who’s fighter #9? Most upvoted comment wins!