How do you get your partner to understand that they can’t simply drop by your work?
Should I Cut it?
83” G4 has arrived
I'm sick of it
Need some advice
I decided to treat myself with my first OLED TV.
I 45F love my husband 46M. And we’ve been married 21 years, but his boob obsession is ruining our marriage. What is the best approach to tell him I’m not into his sexual turn on?
I’ve (28F) lost weight and now I want to divorce my husband (29M)
Unpleasant G test experience - Brampton
Having NW1 when you're 78 years old
This is why I turned off auto-update back in 2020
What's your Minoxidil routine?
Where are all the jobs?
I'm so scared I think I made a mistake
GF gives ultimatum
Montreal-area boy severely burned after stranger throws boiling water on him
The song has a line I remember the lyric - It's the best day of my life
Pay for ED Card?
Rapid recession/shedding while taking Dutasteride
[No Book Spoilers] House of the Dragon - 2x06 - Post-Episode Discussion
[No Book Spoilers] House of the Dragon - 2x04 "A Dance of Dragons" - Post-Episode Discussion
[No Book Spoilers] House of the Dragon - 2x01 "A Son for a Son" - Post-Episode Discussion
Driver, 79, found guilty in crash that killed Girl Guide, injured other children
Any youtubers you enjoy?
got reported to my supervisor for saying “what’s up”