How do I [28F] get a real reason “why?” answer from my husband [25M] who cheated.
serenity prayer
Dating as a young alcoholic
My boyfriend cheated on me and I can’t let go
Setting boundaries with angry husband/ultimatum?
Trusting Higher Power even during difficult times
Seeking Advice 🧿
Is 20F and 21M too young to get married?
Updates about accountability partner
Not loving online meetings - Where do I find a sponsor or buddy?
Love / Relationship Addiction Advice. Struggle to be alone.
Does anyone else get into a complete fight, flight, freeze, fawn response the SECOND you perceive that someone is annoyed or upset?
Two ‘Recovered’ Codependents walk into a bar..
Reflecting on SEVEN years!!!!
Opinions on Sobriety and a Work Issue
My (27F) partner (31M) is turning into an alcoholic. What to do?
Anxious after few days of not talking?
Seeking Sponsor
Step 4 help
Feel disconnected from Jesus
Marrying after sober dating in SLAA
He doesn’t want to date me, nor does he want marriage in the future 22M and 20F what do you guys think?
How to not be nervous to give a lead?
Co-dependents in Healthcare
When to allow physical intimacy