[deleted by user]
Nobody I know has reddit
Reposters literally ruin reddit
Ford capri fe dump right now!!!!
What are some really good, yet really underrated (i.e. not that many members) subreddits that you know about?
How would you guys like a sort of "incognito mode" for reddit, where it doesn't keep track of: recently visited subreddits; searches; and possibly messages?
Big brain oouga booga boo
They're cool and all, but seriously, they aren't real memes.
For those that dress up their pets, why, and do you think they enjoy it?
Y does everyone do this
Please don't repost
You matter
He has so much!
Found this on Instagram.
This is the way.
This, this is true.
Bambi = Dead
Why tho?
Its true
What are some arguments you've had and thought afterwards were very dumb?
Major oof moment
How much time do you spend on electronics everyday?
If you could have anything, what would it be?
Everybody complaining about getting reset, meanwhile me…