Tongue troubles
I think my husband is emotionally abusing me
11 DPO please tell me I’m not crazy.
Are these positive or negative?
Do you see it?
Are these all indents? 9 DPO
2 days late. Is it finally my turn??
More pictures of new tattoo
Am I seeing things? 13 dpo
10 DPO today. I think I’m losing my mind
Is the line getting darker???
she followed me home walked into my house now she's mine what should I name her
Husband is beginning to ruin postpartum for me
FRER (Dark pink cap). 6 dpt. T here is 5 day frozen embryo transfer. Am I having line eyes?!
Help :/
6 weeks, is this normal or could be twins?
Was able to get a better pic!!
Do you see a line too or am I seeing things?! CD 26, 12 or 13 dpo
Squint with me!
Anyone see anything? 9&10 dpo
I’m confused
10 dpo - do you see anything?
9 dpo, first round of letrozole
Am I really three weeks pregnant??