A-Z of 2000s Movies! What's the best film starting with R
Mom: “It’s just like a Fruit Rollup!” Me: 🙄
Spring/Summer activity suggestions
Extended cable to 8 y/o me was the luxury of luxuries
Who are we based off of our fridge?
What food/dish did vomiting afterwards completely ruin for you thereafter?
These were two of the best things you could have on a swingset… other than a “clubhouse” at the top of the slide.
What was the first movie you watched in a theater, and at what age did you watch it?
What’s the best song of the 2010s?
What’s a ‘just in case’ you always carry but rarely need?
What foreign word describes something that would require a phrase in English?
What is the pleasure you spend the most money on?
What is the happiest thing that happened to you these days?
What’s your best conversation starter?
What makes Reddit a toxic place?
What's your favorite place to go when you are sad?
Alongside drivers, the learner’s of which other community get as much hate?
What is Something That Earns the Title "Widow-Maker"?
What’s a discontinued product that needs to make a comeback?
What's a simple pleasure in life that feels almost illegal to enjoy?
What is something you just learned recently?
What food do you always eat when you have a cold?
What’s a moment in history you wish you could have witnessed?
What book changed your life?
My great-grandfather started Winter’s Bakery on Brighton Rd., ending up with at least 3 locations. The business no longer exists. Do any folks here have memories of Winter’s?