What are your thoughts on The Good Dinosaur?
How do you rank these nine leading performances of 2024 NOT nominated for an Oscar?
Whos the hottest?
What is your Index/Frequency cut over? eg. I have listened to 288 artists 288 time
Do you think they will ever play again?
r/Topster's favorite 2020s albums. Most upvoted gets added - Day 12 (Punisher added)
A Brown Final Jeopardy. Fortune smiled upon us…
(GodWeen) Satan’s number
Songs with ringtones in them
Michael Praytor?
How many Pixar movies did you see in theaters?
Check out the alternate version of Gorillaz - Glitter Freeze (ft Mark E.)
who's your favourite bcnr vocalist?
what green day song is purple?
Even though he’s about as much use as a nun’s tits, Terry Cartwright wins 6th square. Now, who is a character that is hated by fans, but is a good person?
Recent find in my local record shop (in the UK)
My efforts at making a clay model of Wallace, Gromit and a random chicken.
Worst artist to make a 10/10 song or album?
Songs about work
what is bcnr fans favorite movie
You have to ersse a TMBG album from existence. Which, and why?
Has anyone stumbled across a G&S actor in everyday life?
Feel like thanos collecting the infinity stones😂
How would you make the inbetweeners USA good
What are your TMBG hot takes?