[misc] is anyone else super annoyed by the anti-sunscreen propaganda on social media?
What is your spf of choice for a day at the beach that is not greasy
[Acne] if washing my face cant help, if changing my diet can’t help and if medicine can’t help. Do I just give up
💥 Retinol Burn & Fatty Acids — A Connection Worth Looking Into
Adding Hydroquinone
[Product Question] Is this still safe to use with the La Roche recall?
Help with tret routine
Muted lippies for fair olives
I can't get my (21F) boyfriend (23M) to agree on splitting tasks
What are the reasons women put down their significant other when they’re not around?
AITAH for not wanting my friends’ unvaccinated toddlers around mine?
Pale lips
I want to start using tretinoin i got it today from pharmacy tretin-0.05% by h&h
Advice for beginner
Movies or shows that inspired you to take care of your beauty and style?
What do you use for your lips
Deepset eyes and dark undereyes treatment options?
What do you do to increase your natural collagen production or help your body produce it?
How Long Do Skin Boosters Take to Work?
Hydrating cleanser
Switch to gel formula for longer use, or stick with compounded cream?
People who have been on tret for 10+ years since their 20s, How have you been using it and what have you noticed?
Whats the good time to start using retinol?
Do you adore or regret your lip fillers?
What do you think of glass makeups?