Ok, so how scared are you while playing?
I can’t get over how beautiful this game is!
Who else finds the legend games fun?
No, Zoloft actually makes me feel everything again
Does anyone else feel bad at night?
what's a song everyone loves but you don't like?
What’s the one anxiety physical symptom you have consistently which doesn’t go away?
Anyone's anxiety got worse week 5/6?
Is this even real?
Anyone currently on zoloft that also is a highly sensitive person?
Zoloft and constant overstimulation?
What are people honest opinions about this movie?
zoloft + autism
Zoloft works great for me, but my doctor wants me to try tappering off. Has anyone else experienced this?
My wife says I “have a type” after I showed her my Top 25
Tell me a movie(s) that made you stare blankly at the wall for 20 minutes after it finished?
panic attacks from weed
What is everyone playing this weekend?
Stopped zoloft after 2 days / will my libido come back?
Name: Chris Salvatore, Actor, USA. From the Eating Out series
Best scene where the music takes over.
I fucking hate the brain zaps when I miss a dose
First time on ssri’s—sos!!
would it look better hairless?
To those with PTSD