Type “I’m going to” and let it autocomplete
What's your name?
Bruhhh I just started senior high and couldn't wait to experience them typical fun teenage experiences but im not bruhhhh
I love r/teenagers
Byta gymnasielinje
Någon som bytt gymnasium efter ettan? Hur gick det?
I dare you >:3
Type “I want a huge” and let you keyboard say the rest
Någon som har bytt från en annan linje till natur efter ettan? Hur gick det?
What song is eerily beautiful?
Have u guys experienced this??
Type Coke OK with your sight organ closed.
Is buying and snacking on communion wafers with wine blasphemy?
Har målat åttan mot Frölunda. Kär för många, men efter publicering i annan social kanal tydligen även hatad. Här är den i alla fall på Marklandsgatan o gör sitt bästa, ovetandes om polariseringen kring sitt existensberättigande.
How to deal with an emotionally unavailable friend?
How do you say "No" in your language
Roses are red, I don't have enough time
What have you seen in the dark web?
Tell me your favourite smell
how tall r u 🫵
what is the best feeling in the world?
If you could fix a regret/situation, how different would your life be now?
Should I quit (while I still have the chance) or continue the IB?
Best friend problems
Dags för en rejäl kebabrulle