How do we feel about writers/directors putting themselves in their movies?
ABC’s of Final Destination: Y
Now that the log truck is back as an easter egg in Bloodlines. What other easter eggs would yall like to see in the movie
Who is yours?
if glee did a disney episode...
ABC’s of Final Destination: X
Favorite "Third Survivor"?
ABC’s of Final Destination: W
Traumatize your fandom with one image
ABC’s of Final Destination: V
X is for “Xylophone flourish”. Y is for…?
Why so much love for Final Destination 3?
Hottest Guy in the Franchise: Day (4). Vote out who you want gone.
Starting with W, what is the best TWDG quote?
ABC’s of Final Destination: U
Make Your Own Final Destination All-Stars
ABC’s of Final Destination: T
Wrong answers only: what song is Shane running to?
What’s your top three or top five favorite Alien films?
Toughest dialogue option misinterpretation in the series
ABC’s of Final Destination: S
Horror movie kills that have stuck with you for a long time.
Dif this book just solve the mystery about the visions??
Who are you picking?
This is clearly one of things we can all agree on