ARENA: Seriously, tanks need to be nerfed, this is absurd
ARENA: Akshan ultimate not blocked by pillars
What are you starting to dislike more as you get older?
Just finished ARURF Clash - Let's not do this again please
Hwei's abilities look low-key disgusting
Tips to Improve Star Citizen performance / playability
Just started a MasterCAM course, need some "help"
URF "balance" makes actually zero sense if you think about it
I'm doing my part! (reporting cheaters)
It's sad letting your favorite game go..
The best ESIM for Japan?
Is it normal for everything to be booked out in Shibuya 5 months in Advance?
Scripting or not?
Is Shibuya Sky worth it?
How to learn CNN Machining???
I'm really glad the Sanctum is limited to 250 rolls a day
ARENA: How is Garen not nerfed yet?
Arena Jhin (map effect) should be nerfed
(How) would you buff KAY/O?
Arena revive should be reworked
Are deathmatch spawns just really bad right now?
Do. Not. Miss. The. Train.
My character really didn't want me to buy the Corsair
Geralt cosplay I have recently made 🐺