Dick uses his reputation to trick the hero community. [The Brave and the Bold Vol 3 #15]
Important question for the members of the sub.
How would you up cycle this dress?
I'm sure one of the reasons Dick became Nightwing is because he got tired of dealing with Bruce's romantic illusions.
The owner had depression and I cleaned her home for free
JD Vance - ''Here's the thing. The cameras are all on; anything I say, no matter how crazy, she has to smile, laugh, and celebrate it.''
Apparently this is a hot take but I think pattinson is perfect as bruce wayne and prefer him vastly over affleck.. art by lee bermejo
How would you upcycle this dress?
Socks should be worn inside out. Keeps the smooth part against your skin and the rougher stitched part against the shoe.
What's the funniest book you've ever read?
What do you grow in your garden that has a special meaning to you?
A real depiction of proportions in romance webtoons
I'm hitting a dead vape
Dick taking care of Jason by nathanwonderwolf
Dick tries to remind a divine Bruce of his humanity & real life. With chili. [Trinity Vol 1 #38]
What is this font
TIFU during my girlfriend's birthday
[GENERAL DISCUSSION] What is your ideal physique for Batman ?
Heinz ketchup bottle I dug dates to about 1889/1910 roughly
Just finished the 3rd episode
Lung test results
Hello, does anyone have a photo or know where a toy I had as a child is from? It was somewhat like the ones in the images, but it was in the shape of a video game controller, and it had the screen in the middle of the controller
How would you have felt if Robert Pattinson was cast as Nightwing instead of Batman?
Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
Please help me find my friend’s toy. She’s 22 and had it as a kid but lost it and has never been able to find it since, despite reverse image searches and all.