Can I begin a TM club at my school?
When the kid with the 1.6 GPA tells me AP Classes are easy:
Is my AP Macro class behind? We just started Unit 4, where is your class?
What AP(s) do u wish CB had?
Are my measurements cooked yall
is a 11 (male) 14 (female) age gap weird?
Are the sororities here good for work connections, or are they just for social status?
if i don’t get into a top 25 college im going to kill myself
Ninth and tenth grade schedule
I want to go to NYU! I'm a freshman -> sophomore , what should I know and do?
What are some things you wish you had done as a freshman to prepare you for applications?
damn 😭 how many did you guys get on this? (blank one in the comments)
How many AP classes will you take this year..