I do not socialise enough
I’ve started having sex with my friend’s girlfriend
Dwarves and giants are both literally a real thing and we do not acknowledge it for what it is
Dwarves and giants are both literally real and we do not acknowledge it for what it is enough
Has anyone noticed that in majority of cultures throughout the world whenever women get educated they tend to become more liberal and forward thinking than men that are educated regardless of the cultural background or religion ?
Would you be more open to sex and exploring sex if it wasn’t for society shaming women?
Pigs shouldn't be allowed to have depression.
What might be the reasons behind white women (excluding boomers) appearing more accepting and inclusive of people from different backgrounds compared to white men in general?
My friends think I’m crazy because I’m constantly talking about the current state of our democracy, am I losing grip?
Do you think its the black stereotypes that keep people being racist towards blacks? Is there a way to stop it?
Isn't it weird how a lot of men continue to date a woman despite hating her?
My dad was having sex with my best friend my entire childhood.
Why is everyone so hostile now!?
Kinda gave up on life at 27. No hope for career/marraige/kids/house etc..
Why is dating so difficult in today's world?
Gosh girls/women are so beautiful
An African currency?
Are only white people attacked by bears?
Old people have no respect for youth and they want respect from us.
Do Africans feel complicit in the Arab and trans-Atlantic slave trades, considering the slaves they traded to Europeans?
Is it normal to feel fucking freaked out about my future?
What do you know about life in Africa before religion came?
I feel like people don’t care about anything anymore
As a Gen z i'd rather date 40 year olds.
How people from 1st world country be miserable?