Which zenkai would you be excited for most? I’ll go first.
Battery charging system?
So... how have your been ssj3 vegeta summons been...
Pulled the uno reverse
What unit are you still playing to this day?
Im sorry but youre a dead unit right now see you when you get a really good buff
What is does 'penetrate: sustain damage cut' do?
I got a feeling the daima ssj4 goku gonna be an ultra
I need to know I'm not crazy
I had to fight this smh
I FINALLY GOT IT ( is this any good)
Bru this mf is annoying asf
UMV UTurles UBeast team
what are the tags i should main?
This is going to be a strange question to ask but do you guys think Daima's Ssj4 will have the "Ssj4" tag?
is it even fun playing like this?
What unit fell short of your expectations and what unit exceeded your expectations? (pvp or animations)
Do you guys remember this
Remember when they made unique title screens for new units..
Yeah i think ima put pvp aside for now…
Should I wait for SSJ4 to drop or keep summoning on ssj3 Vegeta?
Can we just appreciate how goated this unit is
I hope that if Majin Duu gets into DB Legends, they give him a limited timed Super Saiyan 3 transformation for fun
Ultra Cell’s reaction to SSJ3 Vegeta
What’s a character that’s needs a premium unit?