What's an anime you've watched multiple times?
Tiger shark hitting like a missile
AITAH for the way I reacted to my wife’s flirting with a guy
AITAH For the reason I got fired from my job?
What have you done lately that you feel good about?
Do I stay with him after he lied about so much and cheated
A guy kissed me and I feel disgusting.
AITA: My [21F] and my boyfriend [23M] are going to female friend’s wedding (whom I’ve never met) and wants me to split the cost
AITAH for yelling at my mom because of her husband?
AITAH for not hanging out with gf’s family on a moment’s notice?
AITA - Am I The Asshole for refuse to change my look for my girlfriend?
AITA for not wanting to take responsibility of my cousin?
How do I deal with the fact I’m getting older
My 5 year old is fearfully aware of death
AITAH for not wanting to have someone in the bathroom when I’m vomiting?
What's the dumbest way you've ever injured yourself?
How to save my relationship
AITAH for holding myself back, from telling people to read!!!
One of many gender based double standards I will never understand....
How can I improve my life as a man?
AITA for not coming back home(shared townhome) to let a cat out because my roommate didn't want to call maintenance
AITA for snapping at my sister for crushing some of my food?