What's up with Saber's contrarian trolling?
First Tour Guardsman weighs in on Assault perks
Please, don't reset perks on prestige [PTS Feedback]
So how often do you pick up an armour boost in an average op?
Sick of modern grandparents
After slight bumpy beginnings, I think this game has become totally awesome.
Don’t be that guy
Is it me, or do Germans complain a lot?
Assault: Wings of Flame Damage / Stagger should be standard for jump pack dodge
February Community Update
PvE using the jetpack should give you iframes
Are we Lethal/Absolute Assault players just a different breed?
Am I the one getting this problem
No more hating on assault please
PROS not tracking - f*** this event
New community event
New event
What film are you going with?
Vermieter will 14 Jahre alte Gardinen komplett erstattet haben
Kaufpreisaufteilung für ETW zur Selbstnutzung und späteren Vermietung?
Why don’t block weapons have an AOE?
Space Marine 2 book of grudges
I am tired of people claiming Assault is helpless against ranged enemies
Wieso schafft die EU keine Google Workspace / Microsoft 365 Alternative?