What film noir movies do you recommend?
Adaptations That Are Good But "Don't Respect The Source Material"
Movies with a heavy narrator
What do people find appealing in the Terrorizer movies?
Which movie or TV series told Superman's origins the best?
The original origin of the Joker (Detective Comics #168)
Movies that would make me enjoy life again and give me hope and happiness
Suggest school appropriate friendship themed movies please :)
What game feels the absolute best to just explore the overworld of?
It's a place in New Zealand
Movies will never be the same
What's your favorite 80's soundtrack?
What's some piece of comic book info you discovered? Could be something insignificant or major.
Which version of the Punisher's origin do you prefer the most and why?
Pac-Man on the Atari 2600 (1982)
Movies about two really smart characters try to outwit one another.
Suggest me movies where there is no obvious villian.
Who's your favorite musician who's also acted?
Actors Who Were Everywhere… Until They Weren’t
Overcoming addiction
Movies about libraries/ librarians/ book stores?
What were some of the best montage songs that came out of the '80s?
Which celebrities took over the 80s decade as far as popularity is concerned?
Trying to pick two for fantasy movie double feature tonight.
Movies on Modern African or Middle Eastern History