I have this Superman Returns Eau de toilette (I just call it Superman cologne). I figured I’d share. Routh was my Superman growing up and I remember feeling so cool putting this on at like 5-6 years old
Is this PS4 Spidey a knockoff?
Is this legit ?
Do Norman’s goggles fit on Otto? Got both otw finally and have wondered this for a while..
Almost got me
Need help identifying these spideys; thanks!
My contribute to the weird hand post
Babygirl Bucky/Winter Soldier Repaint!
Invincible custom boots and gloves
“…the ones that do call him the Winter Solider”
Possible articulation in the neck for ML Daredevil?
Is this figure fake? I bought it used on eBay. The neck looks really long.
COMPARING Netflix Daredevil vs MCU Daredevil
A look at my current marvel legends Spider-Man collection. (If you have recommendations on who to add lemme know because im starting to feel the Peter Parker fatigue lol)
Made some room for some of the new gamerverse figures
2-Pack Venom + Movie Carnage Back Pieces?
Something ain’t right here
Help? :(
Anyone have link for gamerverse venom and kingpin?
Got him 🫡
I have so much appreciation for our ML sculptors. Pics from Dennis Chan (@alwaysbumping on ig)
Any customizers excited to make some gamerverse suit styles with the new wave? (Side note: I’m actually pretty impressed with this body mold after seeing the side-by-side)