I keep getting these letters on my car, they are correct it is a paid parking spot, however I PAY FOR IT.
Being a “Good Person” is Tiring & Doesn’t Provide Any Actual Practical Benefits
A Few months ago I posted texts with my high school teacher asking if he was flirting… Lol today I got my answer!
Help me name my two male kittens!! Must be human names, preferably a famous duo!
I got no context
This is my male teacher from sophomore year of high school. Is he flirting with me?
AITA for taking away the £50 my son’s father gave to him?
My weed dealer taught me a lesson that changed my entire outlook on life…
“The Beach” is such a good episode for multiple reasons, welcome to my TED Talk.
What was your most unpleasant experience with a celebrity?
Men of Reddit, how difficult is it to pee with an erection?
“Im Fixin to kill yew 👴🏻🤓
Parks truck in the middle of the road causing traffic, goes on to deliver packages
Not the hero we deserve but the hero we need
Man physically abusing woman learns a lesson the hard way from a Good Samaritan. The abuser is known to walk the streets, harassing other women.
This is what a 29-year-old cat looks like
Dear roommate: I am grateful for you showering finally after six days, albeit, but that was four days ago... please shower again. It is time
Family sucks
Dumped 2 times in one week